If you are interested in sponsoring NorEastCon 2009,
contact Justen Hanna: justen.hanna@hotmail.com
A letter describing sponsorship information can be downloaded here.
The sponsorship application form can be downloaded here.
IPMS Niagara Frontier wishes to thank the following sponsors of NorEastCon 2009:
Best of Show Awards
Best Aircraft
Ace Hobby Shop
3019 Niagara Street
Niagara Falls, NY 14303
(716) 282-9753
Best Military Vehicle

Best Civilian Vehicle

Best Ship

Best Figure

Best Sci-Fi/Real Space

Best Diorama
Best of the Rest

Best of Show Junior

Judges Best of Show
(716) 876-1964
Chairman's Spirit of Modeling

Best Bell Aircraft
Dr. Martin O'Connor Award
Best WW I Aircraft
Category Awards
1 - Biplanes and Rigged Types - 1/72 & smaller

2 - Biplanes and Rigged Types - 1/48 & larger
3 - Single Engine Prop - 1/72
4 - Single Engine Prop - 1/48 - Allied
5 - Single Engine Prop - 1/48 - Axis
6 - Multi Engine Prop - 1/72

7 - Multi Engine Prop - 1/48
In honor of my son Sr. Airman Frederick J. Seitz USAF
8 - Jet Aircraft - 1/72
In memory of our friend Mike Miodonski
9 - Jet Aircraft - 1/48
10 - All Aircraft Except Civil - 1/32 & larger
11 - All Aircraft Except Civil - 1/144 & smaller
12 - Civil & Civil Use Aircraft - all scales
In memory of Joe Turner
13 - Rotary Wing - all scales
14 - Scratchbuilt & Major Conversions - all scales
In memory of John Bishop
15 - Out of Box - All Aircraft - all scales
Military Vehicles
16 - Fully Tracked AFVs - small scale
IPMS Binghamton
17 - Softskins, Halftracks & Armored Wheeled Vehicles - all periods - small scale
Tony Bartoszek
18 - Fully Tracked Closed Top AFVs - Allied - pre 1946 - large scale
Bob Collignon
Show Chairman
19 - Fully Tracked Closed Top AFVs - Axis - pre 1946 - large scale

20 - Fully Tracked Closed Top AFVs - Modern - post 1945 - large scale

21 - Fully Tracked Open Top, Open Hatch, Open Fighting/Crew Compartment - Allied - pre 1946 - large scale

22 - Fully Tracked Open Top, Open Hatch, Open Fighting/Crew Compartment - Axis - pre 1946 - large scale

23 - Fully Tracked Open Top, Open Hatch, Open Fighting/Crew Compartment - Modern - post 1945 - large scale
Center for Ambulatory Surgery
24 - Softskins, Halftracks & Armored Wheeled Vehicles - all periods - large scale
Center for Ambulatory Surgery
25 - Ordnance & Prime Movers Under Tow, Including Siege, Fixed & Railway Artillery - all periods - all scales
Center for Ambulatory Surgery
26 - Major Conversions & Scratchbuilds - all periods - all scales
27 - Out of Box - All Military Vehicles - all periods - all scales

28 - Factory Stock - all scales

29 - Custom (Show) Cars - all years - 1/32 to 1/20

30 - Street Rods - pre 1960 - 1/32 to 1/20

31 - Competition Cars - Open Wheel & Dragster - all scales

32 - Competition Cars - Closed Wheel - all scales

33 - Street Machines & Pro Street (including Muscle Cars) - 1/32 to 1/20

34 - Pickups, 4x4s & Monster Trucks - all scales

35 - Commercial Vehicles, Fire, Rescue & Emergency Vehicles - all scales
IPMS Champlain Valley Chapter
36 - All Automotive - 1/34 & smaller
Larry Osolkowski
2nd VP IPMS Niagara Frontier
37 - All Automotive - larger than 1/20
Doug Hamilton
IPMS Region 1 Coordinator
38 - Motorcycles - all types - all scales

39 - Out of Box - All Automotive - all scales
40 - Oars/Sail/Man Powered - all scales

41 - Powered - small scale - 1/401 & smaller
42 - Powered - large scale - 1/400 & larger
"In memory of Doug Grogette"
43 - Submarines - all scales

44 - Out of Box - All Ships - all scales

45 - Foot & Mounted - 30mm & smaller
IPMS Connecticut Yankee
46 - Foot - 31mm to 90mm

47 - Mounted - 31mm to 90mm

48 - Foot - larger than 90mm

49 - Mounted - larger than 90mm

50 - Busts - all scales

51 - Figures - Fantasy, Science Fiction, TV, Movies & Comics - all scales

52 - Vignettes - Figures Only, No Vehicles - all periods - all subjects - all scales

Science Fiction & Real Space
53 - Fictional Subjects and Equipment, including Spacecraft, Hypothetical, and Powered Suits - all scales

54 - Real Spacecraft, Vehicles and Equipment - all scales
Dioramas - All Scales
55 - Military Vehicle Dioramas

56 - Aircraft Dioramas
57 - Ship Dioramas

58 - All Other Dioramas

59 - Collections - Five or More Related Subjects - all scales
NC, Inc.
60 - Miscellaneous - All Other Entries Not Included Above - all scales
NC, Inc.
Junior Entries
61 - Bantam (ages 10 and under) - all entries
IPMS Toronto
62 - Junior (ages 11 to 17) - all Aircraft

63 - Junior (ages 11 to 17) - all Military

64 - Junior (ages 11 to 17) - all Automotive
IPMS Toronto
65 - Junior (ages 11 to 17) - all Other Subjects
Frank Ciccarella