Show Schedule
Friday, April 24, 2009
3:00 PM - 8:30 PM
Vendors open until 8:30 PM
4:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Jeff Herne Seminar
Weathering Techniques
8:30 PM
"Blind Build" (see below)
Mixer & Cash Bar in the Executive Room
Saturday, April 25, 2009
8:30 AM - 1:00 PM
Exhibit Hall open
8:30 AM - 5:00 PM
Vendors open
10:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Judges Meeting in the Executive Room
10:00 AM - 1:00 PM
Make & Take Junior Modeling Session - Hotel Main Lobby
10:00 AM - mid-afternoon
Geriatric Pilots Association discussion - see below for details
11:15 AM - 12:30 PM
Danny Egan Seminar - see below for details
1:00 PM - 2:30 PM
Jim Johnston Seminar - see below for details
1:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Judging (Contest Room open).
No models to be removed from contest prior to Awards Banquet.
2:45 PM - 4:00 PM
Jim Mesko Seminar - see below for details
4:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Open for model photography
4:30 PM
Junior Awards in the Contest Room
6:00 PM - 7:00 PM
Cash Bar
7:00 PM
Seating for Awards Banquet and Presentation
8:00 PM
Awards Ceremony begins
Blind Build
IPMS Niagara Frontier is now taking team reservations, 2 person teams, for our
Friday night "Blind Build" competition. We have enough room and models for sixteen
two person teams. We supply model, blindfolds, and glue - you supply the teams!
We did this competition in 2003 and it was a "hoot"! If you want to register your
team please email Bob Collignon at
cjltd@roadrunner.com and let him know.
There is no charge to register a team and there will be plaques for the winning team.
Winner determined using "strict" IPMS/USA judging criteria! :) Register now!
Jeff Herne, owner and founder of Modeler’s Warehouse will do a seminar on
wet and dry techniques using weathering pigments for armor, aircraft and ship modeling.
Jim Johnston: Atlanta Master/Renowned Figure Painter will do a seminar on
figure painting featuring completed works and works-in-progress.
Danny Egan: President of AMPS (Armor Modeling Preservation Society) will give
a PowerPoint presentation on the finer points of the AMPS open judging system.
Jim Mesko: Armor Historian, Modeler, Researcher and Author presents
ARMOR IN VIETNAM: 1945-1975. This presentation will describe the use and
evolution of armor, from when French forces came back to Indochina in 1945 up
through the fall of South Vietnam in 1975. Emphasis will be on the different types
of armor used, especially the more obscure types.
The Geriatric Pilots Association - a discussion group of former WW II
combat pilots (although they're starting to let the young upstarts from the
Korean war into the group now) will be set up in the lobby for discussions
all day on Saturday (not in the Executive Room).
First Annual Memorial Ugly Hawaiian Shirt Region 1 NorEastCon Banquet
In honor
of our good friend and past President, the recently deceased Mike Miodonski, IPMS
Niagara Frontier is requesting that all of the folks who plan on attending the
NorEastCon 2009 banquet wear an "ugly" Hawaiian shirt in Mike's honor. The "louder"
and more outlandish the better! Mike owned some godawful outlandish Hawaiian shirts and
we think he'd get a good laugh out of many of us wearing those wacky shirts to the banquet.
This "style" choice is a personal one but we encourage it to honor our great buddy Mike Miodonski.