If you are interested in sponsoring Buffcon 39,
contact Dick Schulenberg.
IPMS Niagara Frontier wishes to thank the following sponsors of Buffcon 39:
Best of Show Awards
Best Junior
Robert Conshafter
Best Aircraft
Best Military Vehicle
Best Automotive
Best Ship
In Memory of Don Schulenberg, USN, DD217 WW2
Best Figure
Best Fantasy & Sci-Fi Gaming
Best Gundam & Gunpla
Best Real Space & Science Fiction
Patsy & Dave Schwab
Best Diorama
Best of the Rest
Judges Best of Show
Category Awards
Junior Entries (all scales)
1 - Bantam (ages 10 and under) - all entries
2 - Junior (ages 11 to 17) - all Aircraft
Robert Conshafter
3 - Junior (ages 11 to 17) - all Military Vehicles
4 - Junior (ages 11 to 17) - all Automotive
5 - Junior (ages 11 to 17) - all Other Subjects
5A - Junior (ages 11 to 17) - LEGO, all sets & MOCs (My Own Creation)
6 - Biplanes and Rigged Types - 1/72 & smaller
Dick Schulenberg
7 - Biplanes and Rigged Types - 1/48 & larger
8 - Single Engine Prop - 1/72
9 - Single Engine Prop - 1/48 - Allied
10 - Single Engine Prop - 1/48 - Axis
11 - Multi Engine Prop - 1/72
12 - Multi Engine Prop - 1/48
In Memory of Bernard Button, 15th AAF
13 - Jet - 1/72
In Memory of Clarence Wilkerson, USAF
14 - Jet - 1/48
15A - Prop, All Except Civil - 1/32 & larger
15B - Jet, All Except Civil - 1/32 & larger
16 - All Except Civil - 1/144 & smaller
Dick Schulenberg
17 - Civil & Civil Markings - all scales
18 - Rotary Wing - 1/48 & smaller
19 - Rotary Wing - 1/32 & larger
Military Vehicles
20 - Fully Tracked - 1/72 & smaller
21 - Softskin, All Except Fully Tracked -
1/72 & smaller
22 - Fully Tracked, Closed Top AFVs -
Allied - pre 1946
23 - Fully Tracked, Closed Top AFVs -
Axis - pre 1946
In Memory of Tony Bartoszek
24 - Fully Tracked, Closed Top AFVs -
Modern - post 1945
25 - Fully Tracked, Visible
Interior/Open Top AFVs - Allied - pre 1946
26 - Fully Tracked, Visible
Interior/Open Top AFVs - Axis - pre 1946
27 - Fully Tracked, Visible
Interior/Open Top AFVs - Modern - post 1945
David Bailey
28 - Softskins, Halftracks & Armored Wheeled
Vehicles - all periods
29 - Ordnance & Prime Movers Under Tow -
all periods - all scales
30 - Factory Stock
David Bailey
31 - Custom & Show Cars
32 - Street Rods & Hot Rods,
1949 & older
33 - Hot Rods & Street Machines,
1950 & later
34 - Competition, Open Wheel
35 - Competition, Closed Wheel
Anthony Gliszczynski
36 - Dragsters, Including Funny Cars &
Pro Stock
37 - Light Trucks, Pickups, SUVs,
Car-Based Police & Emergency Vehicles
38 - Heavy Trucks, Commercial;
Heavy Fire, Rescue & Emergency Vehicles
39 - All 1/32 & smaller
Larry Osolkowski
40 - All 1/20 & larger
In Memory of Tom Waddington
41 - Motorcycles - all scales
Larry Osolkowski
42 - Oars and/or Sail - all scales
Loyalhanna Dockyard/Taubman Plan Service
43 - Powered - smaller than 1/400
In Memory of Boilerman 3rd Robert E. Collignon, USN 1950-1954
44 - Powered - 1/400 & larger
In Memory of John Richard Wilmoth, USN, KIA 3/2/42
45 - Submarines - all scales
Loyalhanna Dockyard/Taubman Plan Service
46 - Foot - 30mm to 90mm
47 - Mounted - 30mm to 90mm
48 - Foot - larger than 90mm
49 - Mounted - larger than 90mm
50 - Busts - all scales
51 - Sci-Fi/Fantasy,
Movies & Comics - 8-1/2" high or less including base
52 - Sci-Fi/Fantasy,
Movies & Comics - over 8-1/2" high including base
53 - Vignettes - Figures Only,
No Vehicles - all scales
Fantasy and Sci-Fi Gaming
(up to 40 mm)
54 - Fantasy - Single Model,
Alternate History/Steampunk/Pure Fantasy up to 90MM tall
55 - Fantasy - Single Model,
Alternate History/Steampunk/Pure Fantasy over 90MM tall
56 - Fantasy, 2-10 Models,
Alternate History/Steampunk/Pure Fantasy
57 - Sci-Fi, Single Model,
Weird WW2/Near Future/Sci-Fi/Far Future up to 90MM tall
Jeff Keenan
58 - Sci-Fi, Single Model,
Weird WW2/Near Future/Sci-Fi/Far Future over 90MM tall
59 - Sci-Fi, 2-10 Models,
Weird WW2/Near Future/Sci-Fi/Far Future
Gundam and Gunpla
60 - Straight Build, 1/144 or
61 - Custom Build, 1/144 or
62 - Straight Build, 1/100 or
63 - Custom build, 1/100 or
Real Space & Science Fiction
(all scales)
64 - Real Space, Real Spacecraft,
Vehicles and Equipment
Ed Button & Family
65 - Science Fiction, Fictional
66 - Science Fiction, Fictional
Subjects, All Others including Steampunk
Dioramas (all scales)
67 - Military Vehicle Dioramas
68 - Aircraft Dioramas
Robert Conshafter
69 - Ship Dioramas
70 - All Other Dioramas
Other (all scales)
71 - Collections - Five or
More Related Subjects
72 - Miscellaneous - All
Other Entries
Cpl. Tom Brown Sr. USMC, Cpl. Tom Brown Jr. USMC,
LCpl. Katie Shaw USMC
73 - Humor in Modeling
In Memory of Ray Weick
74 - Modified/Customized
Die-cast - all kinds
75 - Scratch Built, All
In Memory of John Bishop