Contest Rules
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Contest Rules


  1. This contest is open to all registrants. IPMS membership is encouraged, but not required.
  2. Entries may be made from any appropriate materials.
  3. IPMS Niagara Frontier Chapter, the contest judges and the proprietors of the contest site do not assume liability for loss or damage to entries.
  4. IPMS Niagara Frontier retains the right to refuse or remove any entries that, in the opinion of the Contest Committee, are offensive, salacious or inappropriate for family oriented viewing. Any entry fees that have been collected will be returned to the entrant.
  5. Models which have been First Place winners at a previous BuffCon may be placed in a category appropriate to the model type and scale for display only. You're encouraged to display your previous award with the model. Entry fees apply to display models.
  6. Models may be displayed on simple bases. Except for Diorama categories, and those models such as figures in Categories 54 - 59 where the base is included in the kit, bases will not be considered during judging. PLEASE MARK ON YOUR ENTRY FORM IF THE MODEL IS NOT ATTACHED TO THE BASE.
  7. The Chief Judge may combine or split categories prior to judging. The Chief Judge is responsible for all judging issues. All decisions of the Chief Judge are final.
  8. Models built to scales other than those listed shall be placed in the nearest appropriate scale category.
  9. The Out of Box and Major Conversions categories have been eliminated. Models built from the kit box contents, with or without additions or changes, as well as all conversions shall be entered in categories appropriate to the model type and scale. You are encouraged to fully describe what you've done to your model on the entry sheet.
  10. A scratch built model shall comprise 25% or less of unmodified commercially available or kit supplied parts, with the remainder fabricated by the modeler. Small commercial details such as rivets and nut/bolt/washer castings are not included in the 25% limit. Scratch built models may be entered in Category 75 or in a category appropriate to the model type and scale at the entrant's discretion.
  11. Diorama entries should "tell a story" and be more than an elaborate base. The "story", or lack of, will be considered by the judges so feel free to describe your story on the entry form. Please keep dioramas to a reasonable size. We only have so much table space.
  12. Die-cast models - Out of the box die-cast models are not allowed in any category. Modified or customized die-cast models may only be entered in Category 74. Models in this category will only be judged on the extent of the modifications/customizations as described in detail on the entry form and on the related workmanship.
  13. Bantam and/or Junior modelers may enter Adult categories.
  14. All disputes will be referred to both the Category Coordinator and the Chief Judge for resolution. Their decisions are final.
  15. All awards must be picked up at the contest.


  1. Handling of models by contest personnel will be kept to an absolute minimum.
  2. It may become necessary for contest personnel to adjust placement of models on the display tables to correct placement in an inappropriate category, to regroup due to a category split or to minimize congestion on the table. We will attempt to have the entrant move their entry wherever possible.
  3. During judging, some judges may find it necessary to pick up a model to inspect its underside. If an entrant does not want the entry to be handled by the judges, note this on the entry form.
  4. Although not required, it is strongly recommended that models be firmly attached to a base.

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