"Now is the time for all good members to come to the aid of their club".
Having been a member of this fine group for nearly four years now, I've been greatly impressed with
the talent that is displayed at meetings on a monthly basis, which is of course, culminated at the
BuffCon show. I would dare say that any one of us who brings in their work on a regular basis could
have their creations published in any of the print or on-line modeling magazines... they're that good.
So, having said this, it leads me to wonder: how do you do what you do and how do you get them to the
great level they're at?
I'm under the distinct impression that modelers in general like to share their techniques and tips.
It isn't quite bragging, but it's close and I think if you spend a lot of time and effort in building,
finishing and displaying your models, why wouldn't you want to explain how you got it so good?
This leads me to asking for help from the general membership... you! My vision for at least the
first part of my tenure as president, is to add to and improve the Tips and Techniques section of our
website. Go ahead and check it out if you haven't recently. There are a few articles published by some
of our members but there could be a lot more. I would like IPMS Niagara Frontier to be one of the
premier model clubs in the world and one way is to be an "authority" on how to build, finish and
display scale models, be they figures, cars, tanks, planes, trains, dioramas or space craft. I would
like to rival some of the really good model websites like Armorama, Hyperscale, FineScaleModeler and others.
My challenge to you is this... I would like to see twenty tips or techniques ideas presented to me
at the July meeting. Please don't give me the ideas verbally... write them down or type them up and print
them out (my memory isn't all that great anymore). It doesn't have to be anything fancy or complicated...
just one technique (or more) that you use to produce a certain outcome on a model. Of course, if you'd
like to write out a step-by-step procedure with photos, that's fine but not required. Once these ideas
are collected, we'll have them produced in a standardized format and make arrangements to photograph the
steps or technique and publish them on www.ipmsniagarafrontier.com
with all credit given to you! For example, I would dearly love to know how to create a realistic looking
spinning propeller to model aircraft in-flight. Or, is there an easy way to tie rat-lines on model sailing
ships? Would you share your technique on creating the glass-smooth, candy apple red finish on that '66
Mustang? What could be better than sharing our methods to help make us all better modelers?
Will you step up and aid your club? I'm betting you will.
Kind regards,
John Zaranek
IPMS Niagara Frontier
IPMS USA No. 47993
From July on forward, DO NOT go to the Harlem Road Community Center... instead, we shall meet at the
Knights of Columbus Hall, 2735 Union Road, Cheektowaga, NY 14227 starting with the JULY MEETING. It's
bigger, it's brighter, it's cooler, more parking and the lounge is open for us at their member's prices.
It will be in the same room that we use at BuffCon for model displays and judging.
Notes from the May 2012 Meeting
New President John Zaranek led off the meeting with a call for a vote of significant impact on the
club. For some time, it has been increasingly apparent that we are outgrowing our space at the Youth
Center. Seating is getting tight; we are not able to have multiple discussion centers as we wish due to
the acoustics in the room and the center posts are becoming increasingly annoying during the general
part of the meetings. Parking is often a hassle as well, particularly in winter.
The E-Board has been actively seeking an alternative site for almost a year. Based largely on the
negotiating efforts of Dave Schwab, we have the opportunity to move to the Knights of Columbus Hall on
Union Road, our BuffCon site, into the room we use for the contest part of BuffCon. The cost is
$100/month. We are currently paying $60/month of which $30/month is forgiven because we provide the
support and materials for the annual Kids Model Building Class at the Center.
Some advantages of the Knights of Columbus Hall are more room, better acoustics, no parking
problems, easy access and good relations with hall personnel. The increased costs are sustainable for
quite some time without increasing dues even if we have a poor BuffCon for some reason. Because the
hall is not closed for Federal holidays, all of our meetings can be on the third Monday instead of
having to juggle our schedule for January and February.
Our current contract with the Youth Center is at up the end of June, so this is a good time to
make a change.
After some discussion by the general membership, a vote to move our general meetings to the Knights
of Columbus Hall, starting with the July 2012 meeting, was called and approved by a very large majority.
John Zaranek and Dave Schwab will finalize the arrangement over the next few weeks.
We'll be sending out a reminder about the new location to everyone before the July meeting.
As required by our constitution and IPMS USA rules, retiring Treasurer presented the annual
financial report covering the period from 4/30/11 to 5/1/12, including all BuffCon 2012 transactions.
We are in sound financial shape with sufficient resources to sustain our normal activities for quite
some time. If you weren't at the May meeting, a copy of the report is available to all paid members
upon request.
We also welcomed new member Patsy Schulmerich from Rochester. Patsy's a long time modeler and BuffCon
regular. Of much more significance, Patsy is Dave Schwab's fiancée with a wedding planned for this summer.
Congratulations to you both.
May was also the month to step up for the annual Tim Horton's Challenge. We had a lot of willing
suckers sign up this year. You can read the rules, entrant list and teams in the separate article. Good
luck to everyone.
Justen Hanna reminded everyone that Section 8 Hobbies will open in a brick and mortar shop located
at 2243 Seneca St. in Buffalo on Friday June 1. Flyers were available. Good fortune to Justen and Sam
in this ambitious endeavor.
There were lots of items on the display tables this month.
Paul Hines started us off with his new hobby direction. For a long time, Paul built highly detailed
large scale high performance car models and then switched to good sized ship models, mostly larger
scale plank on frame wood sailing ships. Now he's ready for something different, but still based on
his roots. He's started painting some really detailed pictures of racing cars and hot rods. Paul's
working in acrylics and scales photos to paint from using the old school "enlarging the squares"
method. Very nice, sharp work.
Mark Budniewski brought in a really nice 1/25 scale kit of the 1955 Chrysler 300 by Moebius. This
is a brand new kit that's part of an ambitious program of diverse kits from this new company. Their
new 1/128 scale Seaview sci-fi submarine (the movie version) is over 3 feet long.
Rich Bernecki also brought in a new kit, but this one was a reissue of the 1950's vintage Renwal
1/32 scale US Army Terracruzer missile transport complete with a Martin Mace cruise missile. Revell
reissued this kit with the original Renwal box art for an impressive package.
Jim Wolf had a couple of things to show us. First up was his 1/30 scale WWI French Senegalese
infantry soldier. This is from a new range of WWI figures that looks very nice, even if the scale
is odd. Next was the rekindling of an old project. Long ago, Jim put a lot of effort and add-on parts
into modifying a 1/35 Italeri Panzer IVG back to the E version. He finished the turret but not the
rest of the tank. With new kits specifically for the E version available, the turret could have been
scrapped. Jim decided to use it a gun emplacement on a fixed superstructure for an interesting
vignette. This will be an interesting partially scratchbuilt project. Cool!
Ted Paris gave us a preview of several brand new 1/35 resin armor kits from Commander Models.
First was an impressive (and large) British WWI Mk. 1 Male tank with full interior. Next was a
1930's vintage US Army M2 armored car and finally, Ted showed his new International M-2-4 cargo
truck which comes complete with the T-45 rocket launcher used by the USMC at Iwo Jima. I hope the
pictures show the detail on these castings. Google Commander Models for more information.
Mike Martinez had two very different kinds of armor to show us. His metallic red dragon is from
the Grenadier castings and really shows off its scaly stuff with careful drybrushing. His other armor
was a 1/35 Trumpeter late version German WWII SdKfz 7/2 halftrack carrying a 3.7cm Flak 37
antiaircraft gun. Mike found Terry Ashley's building tips for this model on the Perth Military
Modelers website to be essential for a trouble free building experience. He's brush painting the
model in one of the dark camo schemes. It will end up in a diorama so watch for it.
John Zaranek has made some progress with his Normandy concrete gun emplacement for his almost
finished 22mm Flak 38 four barreled anti-aircraft gun. This should be a nice diorama/vignette when
he's done. The emplacement is based on a broken Verlinden hydrocal casting with some nice, home
made groundwork.
Brian McFee displayed one of his signature clean builds, this time a Canadair Sabre Mk. 4 from
the Hasegawa 1/48 kit. He finished it in RAF Germany markings in the dark green/dark grey/PRU blue
scheme from the 1960's. These colors give the Saber/Sabre a very purposeful look. Another nice one,
Finally, Mark Gadek showed a 1/48 Italeri Saab JAS-39 Gripen jet fighter that looks sharp as all
get out in light gray lowers/medium gray uppers and Swedish crown markings. Mark says it was a weekend
build. I thought it looked flawless. I would need a month of weekends to get close to Mark's work.
There was a lot of interesting stuff and great work on the tables this month. We'd love to see yours
here too!
Here are the entrants and their models for the Timmy Horton challenge.
Earl Hochdanner and his AA/FA Altered "Winged Express".
Mike Martinez and his Panzer Spahwagen.
Larry Osolkowski and his Glencoe SPAD XIII French Aces.
Bill Borkowski and his US Air Force Stealth Fighter.
Tom Faith and his German Field Oven, and Tony Gliszczynski and his '68 Dodge Dart Hemi.
Piotr Gajowka and his P-39N Airacobra.
Jacob Gadek and his 1/48 Pegasus Hurricane.
Mark Gadek and his 1/48 KP Su-22.
Brian McFee and his 1/48 Tamiya P-51B Mustang.
Steve Weller and his Airfix 1/600 Cossack.
Dave Schwab and his Revell PT-17 Stearman.
Pat Schulmerich and her Revell 1/100 Apollo Command Module.
Rich Bernecki and his Tamiya 1/48 A6M5 Zero.
Ed Button and his Launch Pad Nike-Ajax missile.
John Doerr and his Hobby Boss F4F-4.
Joe Saccomanno and his Lindberg Jaguar XK120.
Scott Udave and his Revell Van.
Frank Del Russo and his invisible Henschel Observation parasol.
Mark Budniewski and his AMT Dirty Donny Chevy Van.
Jerry Fuglewicz and his Lindberg Velociraptor.
John Zaranek and his AFV Club 1/35 FV107 Scimitar.
Bob Raithel and his Hobby Boss Me-163.
Bob Collignon and his Warhammer Steam Tank.
Finally, some around the room shots of the meeting.
Our next meeting is Monday, June 18 at 7 PM, still at our usual spot in the Amherst
Youth Center. See you then, and don't forget to bring in finished, in-progress or unstarted
kits to show off.
Thanks to Bob Collignon for the photography.
The 2012 Tim Horton "I Am Not a Modeling Loser" Team Challenge V
Memorandum of Participation
- It is understood that this is not a binding contract. Your signature at the bottom
of this page means, as usual, absolutely nothing. Your participation and eventual gain
(or loss) at the end of the term of this Challenge is solely based on your personal
integrity and the integrity of your fellow modelers. (I now encourage you all to look
around the room and honestly decide if you really want to put your reputation on the
line with the likes of these guys.)
- You agree to pledge a $5 Tim Horton's gift card if you find yourself on the losing team.
- Entry, and your eventual success, is based on your intent to build a model. Yes, really
build a model between this date, May 21, 2012 and August 20, 2012. (By the way it's the
whole model.)
- A successful build includes the following elements:
- Presentation of the model at this meeting, May 21, 2012.
- Your model must have at least two (2) parts.
- It must have some paint.
- The model you bring to the meeting on August 20, 2012 must be the same model presented
- You may not start your entry until after it is presented for consideration.
- Be prepared to defend your choice of model for consideration as a qualified entry.
Your fellow entrants may wish to discuss (in a friendly way) whether your model is up
to the high standards of their team. Reminder of the BOB COLLIGNON Rule after last year's
pitiful entry is appropriate at this time.)
- A $5 Gift card is to be delivered to the team Captain whose members successfully
demonstrate their commitment to Modeling, their Club, their God & Country, and Humanity,
by building their Model at the August Meeting or the next time you show your LOSER face
around IPMS Niagara Frontier.
- You must present your model at the August 20, 2012 meeting of IPMS Niagara Frontier.
You may have a friend present your model in absentia. (That means you, not the model.)
- Extra credit is given for finding a way to actually use Tim Horton's coffee in the
construction or presentation of your model. (However, there is no actual extra credit
given, YOU LOSER.)
- Sadly, quality is not a criterion for success.
- If you don't drink Tim Horton's Coffee, or you're a Starbuck's sissy, no other remuneration
will be distributed. You're just a LOSER.
- The Secretary will keep the official record of these proceedings and the roster of
participating modelers and accepted models.
- The Secretary will call the Roll of Participants at the August meeting as the first order
of business.
- If you do not have your pledged model ready at when called you are expected to STAND,
ANNOUNCE yourself as a MODELING LOSER, and sit down in SHAME.
2012 Tim Horton's Challenge Teams
Rich Bernecki's Team
John Doerr's Team
Bob Raithel
Hobby Boss Me-163
John Zaranek
AFV Club 1/35 FV107 Scimitar
Mark Budniewski
AMT Dirty Donny Chevy Van
Jerry Fuglewicz
Lindberg Velociraptor
Scott Udave
Revell Van
Frank Del Russo
Henschel Observation Parasol
Ed Button
Launch Pad Nike-Ajax missile
Pat Schulmerich
Revell 1/100 Apollo Command Module
Rich Bernecki
Tamiya 1/48 A6M5 Zero
Steve Weller
Airfix 1/600 Cossack
Dave Schwab
Revell PT-17 Stearman
Jacob Gadek
1/48 Pegasus Hurricane
Mark Gadek
1/48 KP Su-22
Joe Saccomanno
Lindberg Jaguar XK120
Brian McFee
1/48 Tamiya P-51B Mustang
Piotr Gajowka
P-39N Airacobra
Bob Collignon
Warhammer Steam Tank
Anthony Gliszczynski
'68 Dodge Dart Hemi
Tom Faith
German Field Oven
Bill Borkowski
US Air Force Stealth Fighter
Larry Osolkowski
Glencoe SPAD XIII French Aces
Mike Martinez
Panzer Spahwagen
Earl Hochdanner
AA/FA Altered "Winged Express"
John Doerr
Hobby Boss F4F-4