This is the first meeting of the new year and I hope you all had a peaceful holiday season.
The board has started planning for BuffCon; it's hard to believe that it's less than 3 months
away. We need the help and support from the membership to continue to make this event a success.
Remember, it is critical to our club's finances!
At the next meeting, we will begin a new fund raiser to supplement the club's financial resources.
We will sell 50/50 tickets at the beginning of the meeting and have the draw during the break. A
ticket will cost $2. I hope you will participate in this!
Please bring your models for our table presentation and I hope to see you all there for the meeting.
Rich Bernecki
IPMS Niagara Frontier
IPMS USA No. 11470
IPMS Niagara Frontier Meeting Agenda - January 20, 2020
7:00 PM to 7:10 PM - Place models on tables with description forms.
7:10 PM - Meeting called to order.
Old Business:
- Approve minutes of last general meeting.
New Business:
- Discussion on club's finances.
Questions from the floor.
Table discussion: Members tell the club about the models they have on the tables.
Break: 10 minutes.
Breakout discussion sessions coordinated by Tom Faith.
Call for adjournment.
We would like to encourage all club members to join the national IPMS. Help support your hobby on a national
level. IPMS provides the insurance that allows us to have our events, and membership includes a nice monthly
magazine. The website can be found at: IPMS, and an application form
can be found HERE.
Here is the schedule of presentations for upcoming general club meetings:
- January: round table discussion
- February: possible modeler website review or painting marble effect
- March: round table discussion
- April: pizza party, E-board nominations
- May: E-board elections
The club has a number of shirts that have not been claimed by the members that ordered them. Please see
Tom Faith at the next meeting to pick up and pay for your shirt. Tom also has a few extras, so see him if
you are interested in getting one.
The January 2020 newsletter of the IPMS Patriot chapter is available
IPMS Niagara Frontier is a group of people from the Western New York area who enjoy the hobby of scale model
building. We have about 80 members with 40+ attending each monthly meeting. Our club meets at 7:00pm on the
third Monday of every month at The Knights, 2375 Union Rd., Cheektowaga, NY 14225.
A typical meeting starts with a short session related to club business. This is followed by "Show & Tell" -
many members bring in their current work in progress to share experiences with other members. There is usually
at least one model-related demonstration by a club member at each meeting. Meetings are free to the public. If
you are in the Western New York area we would love to have you drop in to one of our meetings and say hello.
We welcome modelers of all skill levels - from beginner to expert.
Our annual BuffCon event held each year in April continues to be one of the largest shows in this part of
the country.
As a community-oriented club we also gather toys each Christmas for the "Toys-for-Tots" program and are
proud of our support of this worthwhile program.
A brochure that describes the club and its activities can be found
The minutes from the December 2019 general meeting are included below. Thanks to our Secretary, Al Germann, for
the meeting minutes.
Dec 16th - President Rich Bernecki led the meeting.
- Rich brought up the previous meeting's minutes and there was a motion to approve them. There was a second to the
motion and the minutes were open for discussion. There were no questions or comments and the general membership
voted to approve them.
- Old Business:
- Toys for Tots drive had members from the United States Marine in attendance to accept the donations from the
members. They expressed gratitude as this will help local families with their Christmas.
- The club celebrated with the pizza party at the meeting.
- New Business:
- NorEastCon #49 in 2020:
- Members' models on the tables were presented via "passing the mic".
- This month had a member's swap meet. This took place prior to and after the meeting. This was very well
received by the members.
To promote greater transparency regarding the operation of the club and the EBoard, action items from the
previous month's EBoard meeting will be published in the newsletter. These will not be detailed minutes of
the meetings, but highlights that the general membership should be aware of.
January 13 - President Rich Bernecki led the meeting.
- There were no previous E-board meeting minutes to approve as we did not have an official December
- Old Business:
- Tom Faith stated that he still has remaining club shirts that members ordered and never paid the balance
or picked them up.
- BuffCon #37, 2020:
- Ed Button will continue with his action item as trophy coordinator for the event.
- Tom Brown will continue with role of Chief Judge.
- Larry Osolkowski will handle photos and be a judging coordinator.
- Bill Borkowski will help Larry with photos and be a judge.
- Dan Price will be a judge (Sci FI category).
- Tom Faith will continue as financial coordinator along with opening and closing the event.
- Al & Maryann Germann will again handle the kitchen.
- Dick Schulenberg will confirm insurance coverage, letter to IPMS regional contact and is pursuing
sponsorship exchanges with the usual clubs.
- Dan Price described some of the area's Gundam and gaming stores. Dick added that we need to get BuffCon
flyers to these stores.
- Inventory of BuffCon supplies was a concern. Al has action item to inventory items at his location. The
question of do the tablecloths need to be laundered came up.
- Advertising is planned for Fine Scale Models and Scale Auto magazines.
- Dick suggested a category sponsorship for the owner of Ace Hobby (Ron) that recently passed.
- NorEastCon 2020:
- Larry requested that his position on the NorEastCon planning committee be filled by someone else as he
does not have time in his personal life. There was a comment if this position be left vacant. Dave Schwab
will be notified.
- Al will update action item list and forward to E-board.
- New Business:
- Tom Faith informed the E-board that he is concerned with the revenue for the upcoming BuffCon show. Last
year was less than the previous standard and that the bank balance is solid but down from a historical
average. Also membership dropped by a small number. Pre-show expenses are an area of attention. Ideas or
actions discussed were:
- Club shirt money needs to be collected or shirts sold to other members.
- Club dues need to be collected in a timely manner.
- Trophy budget needs to be reconsidered.
- We should do more self-promotion during BuffCon.
- Consider $5 off new club membership if people sign up during BuffCon.
- Need to get BuffCon flyers out at locations.
- Consider 50/50 raffle at club meetings.
- E-board already quoting replacement location for monthly club meetings.
- Consider asking hall about opening up the bar for NorEastCon as a benefit to attendees.
- Demos for the general meetings are planned as follows:
- January: round table discussion
- February: possible modeler website review or painting marble effect
- March: round table discussion
- April: pizza party, E-board nominations
- May: E-board elections
- Dave Schwab of Rochester's club asked if our club was interested in co-hosting a IPMS National event.
This will require a 3 year lead time and will cross over multiple E-board elections for our club.
Discussion followed and this will be re-visited after the results of BuffCon, likely the June meeting.
- Miscellaneous:
- Additional sites for the E-board meeting were identified with the following members volunteering hosting
it at their homes.
- February: Jeff Keenan, Clarence
- March: Paul Hines, Depew
- April: Jeff Keenan, Clarence
- May: Dick Schulenberg, Silver Creek
Member Name: Dan Price
What kind of modeling? What scale?
Fantasy & Sci-Fi models, mostly Games Workshop models.
How did you hear about the club? Why did you join?
I learned about it through my gaming group (13th Legion). I wanted to be exposed to different
techniques and modeling tricks; learning from different disciplines makes me a better modeler.
How long have you been a member?
3 years.
Do you have a large stash of kits? If so, how many?
Yes, but most are in-progress. If you go by single models, I have thousands.
Are you a National IPMS member? If no, why not? If yes, why?
I will be now that I joined the E-board.
What do you enjoy the most about the club meetings?
Socializing and seeing other people's work is inspiring and I can ask how it was done.
What would you like to see changed about the meetings?
I would like to see more younger members and more tutorials put on by members.
Do you have other hobbies?
Playing X-Box.
Anything else?
I like painting models with bright colors.
Member Name: Steve Weller
What kind of modeling? What scale?
I build ships, aircraft and tanks in 1/2400 - 1/32 scales, like old Monogram aircraft and
Revell sail ships. I like kits with monster interiors, but I don't get many of them done.
How did you hear about the club? Why did you join?
The 1989 Boulevard Mall show and Mike Miodonski's F-15 & F-14 1/72 jets (bless him, R.I.P.)
How long have you been a member?
Since 1989.
Do you have a large stash of kits? If so, how many?
About 200. My one bedroom apartment is now maxed out.
Are you a National IPMS member? If no, why not? If yes, why?
Yes, and it has some nice perks. The magazine is the best thing.
What do you enjoy the most about the club meetings?
The table discussion of current projects and the round-table discussions.
What would you like to see changed about the meetings?
Limited questions and comments on the table discussions.
Do you have other hobbies and what are they?
Shooting old rifles and playing the guitar badly (...so I'm told...)
Anything else?
Probably better if I keep a low profile.
Model tables from the December meeting:
John-Allen Price displayed his Fujimi 1/72 A-4E Skyhawk. He used Model Master light grey, dark
RAF green and gloss white, Polly-S weapon olive, and Humbrol red paints, with no weathering done yet.
The model is being built out-of-box, and John-Allen commented that there were too many small parts.
He picked the subject to complete a series of U.S.N. models.
Maryann Germann showed us her latest project, an Arch Duke Ferdinand II figure. She's using
Metalizer paint to finish it, and thought it was an interesting subject.
Al Germann showed us further progress on his diorama of a scene from the TV show "Most Dangerous
Roads with Lisa Kelly", including a JB Model 1/76 Bedford truck. Al said he made new rear fenders for
the truck, but still needs to scratch-build new mirrors. He made the rock wall using a wood structure,
and the rocks were plaster-cast in sections.
Al also had his Revell 1/25 1956 Henry J on display again. He replaced/restored the rear wheel
openings, and used the front fender on the rear. Al said he wanted to make it a modern drag car instead
of an old gasser, and he likes the way it's turning out.
Al and Maryann are also working on a joint project, a Grateful Dead Tour Bus. This model is a
kitbash of two 1/32 scale Japanese buses combined with the front clip of a 1/25 1937 Ford. Al is
doing the body and chassis construction, and Maryann will do a custom paint job in a psychedelic
Tim Grieve brought in a Lindberg TBF Avenger from the Firepower Series. He used Model Color
light sea grey paint, along with Model Masters true blue, red, green, flat black, yellow and gray.
F104 avgas decals were applied, and a coat of Testors dullcoat was applied. Tim said that this is
a highly articulated model - everything moves, including the ball turret, prop, sliding cockpit
doors and all flight controls and landing gear. He picked the subject because he likes George and
Barbara Bush. Tim mentioned that the instructions leave much to be desired, with not enough detail
as to what goes where.
Jeff Keenan had a Revell 1/72 Sd.Kfz.7/1 Quad Anti-aircraft Half-track on display. It was
finished with airbrushed Tamiya paints and a top coat of Vallejo dullcoat which came out satin.
Jeff had to remake the sight guides when the originals broke off. He said he's still working on
the weathering, using washes and pigments. He picked the subject because he likes quad cannons,
and had no issues with the kit.
Jim Greenfield brought in three models this month. The first was a Revell Star Wars Star
Destroyer in big scale. This is a work-in-progress, and it's a large model!
Jim's second model was a Moebius 1/4105 scale Battle Star Pegasus, finished with Tamiya, Vallejo
and Citadel paints. Jim built it out-of-box, and weathered it with dry-brushing. He said he had
zero problems with the kit, and picked it because it looked cool.
Jim's last model was a Bandai 1/48 Star Wars AT-ST Walker. Jim used a combination of Tamiya,
Citadel, Vallejo and Mission Model paints, and weathered it with dry-brushing. The model was built
box stock, and Jim said he had no issues with the kit. He was inspired by watching the Star Wars
series "The Mandalorian".
Larry Osolkowski displayed his progress on his Hasegawa 1/24 BMW 2002tii. He completed
some painting and assembly of the chassis, using Splash paint for the orange, and Alclad,
Model Master, Zero, Mig and Tamiya paints for the details. He also made some progress on the
interior bucket, door panels and dashboard, and found some interesting 3D-printed door handles
from Spinneyworld, an online shop in the U.K.
Dave Armitage brought in another collection of models for us to see. The first was called
"Ho Ho Ho, Dairy Christmas", finished in acrylics. Dave hollowed-out the cow to install the red
light on its nose. The model was not a kit, but was inspired by a TV commercial.
Dave's second subject was an Italeri 1/500 Coliseum AD32, again finished in acrylics.
Dave said some of the parts had a poor fit, but the model looked interesting. He also mentioned
that painting the figures was "fun".
Dave also had a couple of items in HO scale from his train layout: a horse-drawn hearse and
a railroad station, both finished with acrylic paints.
Finally, Dave had a figure on display, along with a 1/12 1927 Oil Wagon. Dave said the
undercarriage was a bear to fabricate, and he has others in this scale.
Paul Hines showed us three new paintings based on an aircraft theme. The first was a
Messerschmidt BF109 "Mark One Kill", the second a Republic P-47 Thunderbolt "On Patrol", and
the third was a Grumman F9F Panther Jet "Cleared for Take Off". Paul said he did a lot of
automotive art this past year so he thought he'd change over to aviation art. He enjoys both.
Paul also had a selection of earlier paintings for sale.
Alan Gryfe displayed a work-in-progress, a 1/87 GMC "Classic" bus kit-bashed from a Busch
GMC "Fishbowl" and a Wiking Mercedes O-305. Although the model hasn't reached the paint stage
yet, Alan shortened and grafted the top half of the Mercedes onto the bottom half of the GMC.
He noted that the Mercedes is 1.5mm narrower than the GMC, making things interesting. Alan
said that he drew the scale plans himself, and is thinking of adding a lighting kit. Alan is
interested in buses.
Anthony Gliszczynski had two models on display. Unfortunately, we didn't get any
photos of the first one, a Spitfire Mk. VIII that will be painted as a racer, built from
a kit from last year's Secret Santa. The second was a 1/35 M-42 Duster Fire Support
Vehicle. Anthony finished it with Tamiya paints, and used Mig oils for the weathering
including dust and dark mud. He added metal tracks and metal gun barrels. He said he's
just started using Mig oils, and built the model because it was a vehicle used in
Vietnam where he was stationed. It was a fun build.
There were a few unidentified items on the tables. Please make sure that Larry
Osolkowski gets your info sheet before you leave.
The annual Christmas meeting pizza party was enjoyed by all.
Our regular annual collection for Toys For Tots was received by the representatives
from the US Marines.
The club swap meet was well-attended with lots of goodies available.
Finally, some around-the-room photos.
Thanks to Rich Bernecki for passing the microphone around for the tables, and Larry
Osolkowski for the photography.