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Member Workshops

Here are some photos of Bob Collignon's workshop:

Actual work area, looking in

Aftermarket bins

Downstairs bookshelf

I love my mancave!

Looking into model and bookshelves

Looking out from the work table

Here are some photos of Justen Hanna's workshop:

Here are some photos of Bob Raithel's workshop:

Hey dudes! Here are my work area photos. All work surfaces have since been thoroughly messed up!

This is where I assemble and paint plastic kits. The desk was made in 1912.

Here is where I do all my sculpting projects. Note the pasta maker in the lower right corner and the toaster oven for baking Sculpy polymer clay.

This is where i do all the paint spraying. The exhaust hood is connected to a dust collector I got from Harbor Freight. Cheap and it works great!

Here are some photos of John Zaranek's workshop:

Overall Work Space

Compressed Air Rig for Airbrush

Model Reference Center

The 'Stash'

Current & Completed Project Boxart

Custom Paint Rack

Tools of the Trade 1

Tools of the Trade 2

Tools of the Trade 3

Need Another Paint Rack

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